Thursday, October 22, 2015

7 Months

Our sweet Vivienne is 7 months old and is still feeding tube free! She started finishing all of her bottles after day three without the tube and hasn't looked back. Life is SO much easier without having to deal with it. The tube was kind of like a tether keeping us close to home. Traveling was difficult, and being at home made everything easier. Now we can throw a bottle in the diaper bag and head out without thinking twice, and it's a great feeling! Viv seems to be enjoying it as well. In fact, she's eating more now than she ever did when she had it.

Viv is becoming very active/mobile and is rolling all over the place. She's trying very hard to sit up and wants to explore the world around her. She loves to laugh and babble and is developing a personality. Spoiler alert: she's sassy! Viv is still a bit behind in the strength department, so unassisted sitting and crawling will likely take a little longer than it does for most other babies, but that's fine. Her growth is good and she continues to be long (75th percentile) and lean (10th percentile). She's still not in love with solid food but is starting to come around.

The new nanny is working out really well. The transition was rough, but Viv settled in by the third day, and now the two of them get along wonderfully. Viv is alone with the nanny three days a week and is with the other little boy the other two days. She is still adjusting when it comes to being around another baby. She has another month to get used to it before they will be spending all five days together.

That's pretty much it for now. We head back to CHOP at the beginning of November for Viv's first string of appointments in the Pulmonary Hyperplasia Program. I will be sure to post an update about the visit in the next post.

Picture time!