Monday, January 25, 2016

10 Months

Little Miss Viv is 10 months old! This time last year we were starting to prepare for our time away from home. It's crazy how time flies.

Viv is doing really well. She is crawling (hands and knees, not just an army crawl anymore) and is starting to pull herself up. She's getting into everything and is very curious. Another exciting milestone is the appearance of her two bottom front teeth. Their arrival - along with a cold and sleep regression/growth spurt - resulted in a horrible week of sleep for the three of us, but thankfully we all survived (barely). I'm also happy to report that Viv has mastered her "m" sounds, so the occasional "ma ma ma" is sprinkled in with her abundant and enthusiastic "da da da's."

Here are a few pictures of our girl:

We got some snow.

Viv wasn't very impressed, but she sure did look cute.

"Hi, Mom!"

Full of hope before the playoff game.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

9 Months

Well, more like 9 and a half months. The holidays have come and gone, and we have been busy! We recently embarked on a very long (but enjoyable) journey to visit family and friends, and Viv did great on the trip. This has been an exciting time for us. Not only did we get to experience our first Christmas together, but Viv's development has really taken off over the past several weeks. She has a few words - "uh oh" and "dada" being her favorites - and she's crawling all over the place. Baby proofing has shot to the top of the to do list!

Vivienne continues to be in good health and all of her check-ups have been routine. We survived her first fever a few weeks ago and she's overcome a few minor head colds, but overall it has been an uneventful fall/winter. We're hoping to get through flu season unscathed.

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and wish everyone the best in the New Year!

Christmas morning!

Loving her new toys.

Standing with the help of an ottoman. 

Enjoying a book in her own special chair.

Christmas Eve!

Happy New Year!

Being indoctrinated by daddy at a young age.

Outgrowing the Boppy lounger!