Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 10: All About Oxygen

Another positive and uneventful day is in the books. The main goal today was weaning Viv's oxygen support. When we arrived this morning her oxygen tank was set in the low 50s, and it was down in the mid 30s by the time we left this evening. She tolerated the decrease pretty well and only really had significant episodes during care. The good news is that she is able to recover faster than she used to. Though Viv's numbers were stable for most of the day, she did seem to be a bit uncomfortable. She tried to cry several times and seemed to be coughing/gaging (possibly due to the breathing tube or the build-up of mucus since she can't swallow). It's extremely difficult to watch her struggle and not be able to do much. My heart breaks every time her little face scrunches up. We are definitely looking forward to getting past this stage and hope that the repair surgery can happen sooner rather than later.

In other news, today was my original due date and would have been Viv's birthday if I had needed the induction. I can't say I'm disappointed that I missed out on another 9+ days of pregnancy.

Dave and I took a break from the NICU to check out the Franklin Institute with some Ronald McDonald House friends. It was a nice break from the hospital routine, and we hope to continue to enjoy more of what Philly has to offer in the coming weeks.

That's all for now. Hopefully Viv has a good weekend so she can impress her surgeon on Monday.

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