Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 24: Moving Right Along

It was another enjoyable day in the NICU. Vivienne's feeds were increased to 15 ml. and her pain medication continued to be weaned. Mom and dad both got some quality cuddle time in which is always a treat. Additionally, we're excited to report that Viv has been upgraded to a crib! Exciting stuff. 

In other news, Vivienne had her MRI this evening, but we won't get the results until tomorrow. She did well and only needed minimal sedation. 

Extubation is planned for tomorrow. Hopefully nothing happens to cause a delay. We are so ready to say goodbye to the breathing tube!

Hanging with dad.

Quality time with mom.

New digs!

Looking all cute in her new crib.

All ready to be transported for her MRI.


  1. She is sooo adorable! We love seeing these updates as she gets stronger and stronger - Go Vivienne!! Love, Lillian & Dave

  2. Such a strong little lady!! Keep it up Vivienne! :) She is so adorable!

  3. Love those eyes. With that and all the hair, she looks older and wiser than 3.5 weeks!
