Vivienne had another great day! Her CPAP pressure was weaned from 7 to 5. The goal is to have her off of the CPAP and transitioned onto the high flow cannulas by morning. Yay! The same weaning process will continue once she's on the high flow cannulas. From the high flow she'll be placed on regular cannulas and then will (hopefully) transition to breathing room air on her own.
Her feeds were increased every three hours throughout the day. There has been some discussion of extending her feeding tube into the intestine (NJ) to allow for larger feeds, but for now it seems like they are content to stick with the stomach tube (NG). I'm sure this will change if she starts having trouble processing the NG feeds. Finally, progress was made with weaning her pain medication.
In other exciting developments, I recorded a short video during one of Viv's alert periods and just happened to capture a smile!
Granted this could have just been gas, but I'm going to go ahead and believe she was happy to see her mommy.
I love her smiles and her big brown eyes. Even happier that she looks much more comfortable!