Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 30: Exceeding Expectations

Vivienne continued to make steady progress today. Her high flow cannula was weaned from 5 liters to 3 liters. They plan on weaning it down to 2 liters tomorrow, and if she does well, they will switch her over to the regular cannulas. This is pretty exciting stuff considering she's only two weeks post-op and has been extubated for less than a week. Yay for large-ish mostly functional lungs! Viv has also met her current feeding goal and is taking 60ml every three hours. The feeds will continue to increase based on her weight, but for now she'll be holding at 60. We will attempt bottle feeds and breastfeeding once she is on the standard cannulas. Hopefully she'll be a quick learner! 

Viv's doctors are very impressed with her progress and have told us multiple times that she is exceeding all expectations. We are starting to think that we may get out of here sooner than we originally anticipated (though we understand we're at Viv's mercy). Our nurse today had us check off a few items on the discharge to-do list such as watching a few educational videos and signing up for infant CPR. This is a sign that things are moving in the right direction, and we couldn't be more pleased. We're so proud of our daughter and can't wait for the day when we get to bring her home!

All dressed for the day. We can't cover her left arm due to the  PICC line (peripherally inserted central catheter) that delivers all of her meds. Hopefully it will be gone in the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, her in that outfit in bows is too much. I love it. Cynthia Cash and I were cooing over the top photo.
