Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 33: Sleeping, Pooping, and Crying

That's pretty much all that Viv did while we were at the hospital today. She didn't want to bottle-feed and when she was awake she was unhappy, which isn't normal for her. In Viv's defense she's being weaned off of two different drugs and was having a rough time. Here's Viv giving me a one-finger salute:

"Dad, if you don't get that camera phone out of my
face I'll give you something to take a picture of. Go
ahead, check my diaper!"
So it wasn't the best day. We didn't make any progress on bottle-feeding or weaning her oxygen, but she didn't need any extra sedation and slept most of the time, which I think is pretty terrific for a one-month-old going through morphine withdrawal. It isn't fun watching your child struggle but this is all part of the normal process of getting better. Viv's recovery is still moving in the right direction, which is what really matters.

On a different note, April 19 is CDH Action Day. Approximately 75 babies around the world die each day from CDH and the amount of money spent on CDH research is pretty small compared to other congenital diseases/defects that occur at a similar rate. If you want to learn more about CDH or even give money to help fund CDH research, here is a link.

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